About us

Kaunas Saules Gymnasium (Savanoriai st. 46, LT-44209, Kaunas, Lithuania) is a municipal educational institution for gymnasium students from 1-4 (9-12) grades. The second part of Basic Education, Secondary Education and Non-formal Education Programs are implemented at the gymnasium. The lessons are performed in the Lithuanian language.

The history of the school dates back to 1912-1913, the implementation of educational activity – since 1923, when the first girls’ progymnasium was founded in Lithuania. The institution was renamed more than once, however, in 1986 the name of „Saulės“ and in 1993 the status of gymnasium were returned to the school. Since 2010 the gymnasium is a four year upper secondary education institution.

An exceptional feature of the gymnasium is the advanced education of exact and natural sciences. Each year, more than 900 students (34 classes) are enrolled in the gymnasium, with up to 250 graduates annually. The gymnasium takes pride in very high academic achievements of students (VBE, PUPP results), which exceed the average of Kaunas city and the country. Since 2015, the gymnasium is annually among 16 percent of the best Lithuanian schools in terms of total VBE score.

The gymnasium bases its  activities on high educational standards, meaningful, wide-ranging educational experiences and pedagogical leadership by providing the community with safe environment and engaging learning conditions.  An exclusive emphasis is put on each student’s personal growth in terms of high academic results, international activities, awareness and respect for other cultures as well as responsible citizenship. It is the community open to all-rounded education, able to act within the changing society, think critically, be conscious and creative lifelong learners, who respect cultural diversity and are internationally-minded and who would responsibly create the future of their country and the world.

Atnaujinta: 2025-01-06
  • Elektroninis dienynas
  • Priėmimas į gimnaziją
  • Tėvams
  • Mokiniams
Pamokų laikas
  • 1. 08.00 - 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 - 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 - 10.35
  • 4. 11.05 - 11.50
  • 5. 12.00 - 12.45
  • 6. 12.55 - 13.40
  • 7. 13.50 - 14.35
  • 8. 14.45 - 15.30